Organizations spend billions each year on leadership development programs with little proof that they worked. When asked about how they know the program worked, the answers typically fall into 2 categories, “We can tell” or the dreaded, “We believe it worked.” Neither of these are acceptable to an organization or an individual that has spent their time and money for the training.
In a recent survey, the most common method for monitoring progress in an organization’s leadership program was via “Follow Up Interview.” The next highest was “None.” Interview results are not repeatable and are subject to a variety of bias. The participant can be interviewed by a person on one day and interviewed by a different person the next and they could reach entirely different conclusions about the person’s leadership progress.

That’s why when we developed our Elite Leadership Training program, we created the Leadership IMPACT Assessment (LIA) tool to measure and monitor leadership progress over time. The LIA is a multi-discipline, behavior-based solution to assess a person’s potential for and practice of leadership. It is not transactional in nature and does not assess a person’s knowledge of leadership, but measures how committed they are to leadership behaviors derived from decades of research into the traits of effective leadership. As a quantitative, repeatable tool, it can provide an unbiased view of a person’s leadership abilities.
This tool has been tested and utilized in training programs in a variety of industries and at all levels of an organization. To provide additional context, we provide comparisons of the individual’s results to those of their peers or the general population average of all who have taken the LIA.

We have now made the LIA available to users and organizations outside of one of our leadership programs. It is also the engine that powers our Leadership RMSTM solution. This leadership resources management strategy can be used on an individual basis, for a team leader’s assessment or for a total organization’s assessment by level, location, discipline, etc.
“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”
– Peter Drucker
“If you don’t measure leadership, you can’t improve it.”
– J. Bryan Bennett
LeadershipRMTM Overview | Individual LeadershipRMTM
Team LeadershipRMTM | Organization LeadershipRMTM
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