The Individual LeadershipRM™ application is an external focused analysis that examines the leader in relation to the overall general population average of all who have taken the assessment. Context is provided to the results by comparing them to the population average of all who have taken the assessment. The chart visualizes the gaps in the individual’s leadership practice by identifying the dimensions where they are above the population average and where they are below the population average. In this situation, the Sample Leader is below the average on all but a couple dimensions. This person should obviously work on the dimensions they are below the population average, but they shouldn’t neglect the dimensions they are above the average as they need to continue and improve on what they’re doing right in those areas.
In the examples below, Chris Jones’ Individual Assessment is below the population average on all of the leadership dimensions we measure. In the Team Gap Assessment, there are perception gaps between how they view Chris’ leadership and the team’s view with Chris perceiving higher leadership behavior on several dimensions. Compared to all Directors in the Organization Level Assessment, Chris is below average on all dimensions with significant gaps in the Assessing, Reflecting and Coaching dimensions.

If unattended, leadership gaps can grow to become like potholes on a street. Just like repairing potholes, leaders need to regularly spend time identifying and repairing gaps in their leadership practice. Leadership gaps, like potholes, can result in some serious problems or damage in the future if left unattended.

Additionally, the tool can also be used to monitor leadership growth. Reassessments can be performed as frequently as every 3 months to determine where the individual is improving and where further improvement is needed.
- Individual to population average
- Individual to population average by level

- Radar Chart Gap Assessments
- Leadership Potential Score Analysis
- Leadership Practice Score Analysis
- Situational Awareness Score Analysis
- Emotional Intelligence Score Analysis
- Areas for Improvement
Additional Reading:
- Identifying and Filling the Gaps in Your Leadership Practice
- PSST! The Leadership Gaps are Coming from Inside Your Organization!
- Identifying the Gaps in Your Leadership Practice
LeadershipRMTM Overview | Individual LeadershipRMTM
Team LeadershipRMTM | Organization LeadershipRMTM
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