The Team LeadershipRMS™ solution is an internally focused analysis that identifies gaps in how the leader’s perception of their leadership abilities agrees with the perception of those they regularly interact with, including, direct reports, indirect reports (optional), peers and supervisor (see the model on the right). Leadership perception is critical to leadership success. If the team and peers believe a person is an effective good leader, they tend to follow them wherever needed.
People are usually surprised in one of two ways. One, their team and peers may not perceive their leadership abilities as highly as they do. Two, their team and peers may perceive some of their leadership abilities higher than the individual does. These gaps provide the leader with clear direction on what needs to be addressed as well as providing positive feedback on areas they may not have been aware they were doing well.
Our LeadershipRMS 360TM component replaces 360° reviews with a leadership-focused, quantifiable tool with turnkey implementation and actionable feedback.
Using our proprietary Leadership IMPACT Assessment tool, this solution analyzes the leader’s individual leadership perception to the perception of people they directly interact with, including:
- Direct Reports
- Indirect Reports (optional)
- Peers
- Supervisor
- Direct Reports to Leader
- Peers to Leader
- Supervisor to Leader
- Radar Chart Gap Assessments
- Leadership Potential Score Analysis
- Leadership Practice Score Analysis
- Situational Awareness Score Analysis
- Emotional Intelligence Score Analysis
- Areas for Improvement
LeadershipRMSTM Overview | Individual LeadershipRMSTM
Team LeadershipRMSTM | Organization LeadershipRMSTM
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