How Elite is Your Leadership Program? Does Your Leadership Development Program Produce Elite Leaders? TAKE THE CHALLENGE! Complete the following assessment to determine the differences between your current leadership program and the Elite Leadership Training™ Program. Your Name* (required): Email Address* (required to receive results) Industry Organization Name: Phone Number Thank you for participating. Click 'Next' to begin the Assessment. All questions are required. 1. Is your leadership training process-based versus skills-based, i.e., developing leadership ‘skills’? Yes No None 2. Is your leadership training implemented as part of a long-term (3, 6 or 12 months) leadership improvement journey? Yes No None 3. Is the initial outcome of the leadership training a personalized leadership plan for each individual in the program? Yes No None 4. Is regular self-reflection and journaling an integral part of the leadership program? Yes No None 5. Can leadership improvement be objectively measured and are participants reassessed at regular intervals throughout the program? Yes No None 6. Is leadership considered a lifelong journey where participants are provided and encouraged to study new leadership materials beyond the initial classwork? Yes No None 7. Is a feedback loop which includes regular coaching and mentoring an integral part of the leadership program? Yes No None 8. Does the ongoing coaching evaluate areas of individual shortcomings with a plan to achieve improvement? Yes No None 9. Is the coaching and mentoring performed by external parties? Yes No None 10. Are the participants encouraged to engage in a long-term personal coaching and mentoring relationship outside of the organization’s leadership program? Yes No None Time's up