This data is from people who have taken the assessment before one of our onsite or online leadership training programs through January 31, 2022.
Results Categories
C-Level Executives | Vice Presidents | Directors | Supervisors & Managers
Here, we examine results from the self-reported C-Level Executive participants, which comprise 13% of the total data population and compares their results to the population average.

In this analysis, we find the C-Level executives below the population average on all dimensions except for Visioning and Coaching and only slightly below for Reflecting. Visioning is having a leadership vision that they can articulate at a moment’s notice. From our experience meeting with these executives, most of them have a clearly articulated vision, although at this level, they should all have a vision, which would make for an even higher data point percentile.
Many are receiving some sort of coaching, but clearly not enough. This probably stems from the fact that as a person rises in an organization, there are fewer people with enough experience to coach and mentor them. That’s why I advise younger people to find coaches and mentors early in their careers because that pipeline of valuable advice gets smaller and smaller as they grow in their career.
The other dimensions below the population average are concerning. This could be because at this level, they no longer think about their potential and practice of leadership but behave more on autopilot to some degree. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work as leaders at all levels should continue to focus on their leadership every day. This is a truth I learned when I interviewed elite leaders for my book. They think about how they are going to lead every day.
Results Categories
C-Level Executives | Vice Presidents | Directors | Supervisors & Managers