The Organization LeadershipRMTM takes the concepts from the Team LeadershipRMTM and applies it throughout the organization. In addition to examining leadership gaps between the Leader and their Peers and Direct Reports, the Organization LeadershipRMTM identifies gaps across departments, across organization levels, across divisions and/or across locations.
Using our proprietary Leadership IMPACT Assessment tool, this solution analyzes the leader’s individual leadership perception in relation to their team, their department, their organization level, division, location, etc.
Once all of the organization’s leaders are assessed, they can be segmented into tiers based on their overall scores. The organization can then develop strategies to manage the Leaders in each tier. The number of tiers and cutoff points for each tier will vary by organization.
Once a leader’s abilities have been assessed, this information can be used to better match leaders with future opportunities. This improves the human resources pipeline for an organization. For instance, if a project or role requires someone with a lot of vision or risk-taking, an organization can explore their pool of leaders to find someone who best matches the needs of the position.
With an unbiased and quantifiable assessment of the best leaders in your organization, this information can be applied in the assessment of new hires. Once hired, they can be given the same assessment to determine if the interview assessment matches the instrument’s results, which could lead to a different interviewing process or questions to better glean these insights. Once an organization has a full understanding of the leadership attributes most important to their environment, they can search for people in the hiring pool who possess those same or similar attributes.
- Individual to team
- Individual to total organization
- Individual to organization level
- Individual to location
- Organization level across company
- Organization level to department
- Organization level to location
- Organization level to industry
- Radar Chart Gap Assessment
- Leader Tier Rankings / Position
- Common characteristics of each tier
- Suggested strategies to manage each tier
- Leadership Potential Score Analysis
- Leadership Practice Score Analysis
- Situational Awareness Score Analysis
- Emotional Intelligence Score Analysis
- Areas for Improvement
LeadershipRMTM Overview | Individual LeadershipRMTM
Team LeadershipRMTM | Organization LeadershipRMTM
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