For a limited time, use the Voucher Code below to get a Free 60-Day Trial to the Leadership Resource Library. Before the end of the trial you will receive an email informing you to how to gain continued access through one of our subscription plans. Please note that subscription prices may change without notice.
Voucher Code: mhVcPRtzFAsV
To begin your 60-day Leadership Resource Library trial, register (in the second section) on the Student Dashboard and enter the voucher code above in the “Have a Voucher?” field. Click on the ‘Register’ button at the bottom when you are finished. You will then be taken to the Library course page. To access the Library in the future, just click on the “Student Dashboard” link in the menu near the top of the page.
Thank you very much for allowing us to help you continue on your leadership journey. If you have any questions, please contact us at library @